Tuesday, November 27, 2012


The Carroll County Veterans Memorial Park Committee met November 26, 2013 at the AG-ED Center and President Norris Garrett presided.  He greeted everyone and asked the Chaplain Bruce Holley to have the invocation and then the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Larry Jennings.  Several items were discussed and chairmen gave their reports.  Garrett commended Larry Jennings for the Veteran’s Day program and thanked everyone for their support.  The suggestion was made to change the meeting time to 5 P.M. and the vote was unanimous.  There will not be a meeting in December and the January 2013 meeting will be at Horizon Bay for dinner on January 28th – the meeting time will be at 5 P.M.  Reservations should be made with Violette Denney, so an accurate count can be furnished to Horizon Bay.  It is always an honor to meet at their facility and be treated to dinner.

Larry Jennings, chairman of nominating committee, presented the slate of officers and they received a unanimous vote.  The 2013 officers are pictured from the left Vaughn Gaddis, Director; Bruce Holley, Chaplain and Director; Bill Maddox, S Secretary; Dale Robinson, Director; Ronnie Pate, Vice President; Norris  Garrett, President; and Violette Denney, Treasurer.  John Bassett was also elected to serve as a Director but he was not present for the picture.

Monday, November 12, 2012


It was a beautiful fall day at the Carroll County Veterans Memorial Park on November 10, 2012, when the DAR members gathered at the Park with many other patriotic citizens to remember our Veterans and publicly express our appreciation to them and our troops for their outstanding service to preserve our freedom. Don Levans welcomed everyone and Chaplain Bruce Holley gave the Invocation.  Terry Lowry and the Carroll Community Wind Ensemble presented several appropriate musical pieces and Major Sylvester Hendrix with the ROTC group presented the USA Flag, led the Pledge of Allegiance, and placed the Memorial Wreath. Park President Norris Garrett introduced the speaker, Sheriff Terry Langley, and thanked him for continuing to support the Park.  Major Hendrix led the National Anthem and God Bless America.  Edwin Ivey played the Bag Pipes during the Wreath Ceremony and Larry Jennings closed the program with Taps.  Drinks were provided by Kroger in Carrollton and numerous others help to prepare the assembly area.
Following the Memorial Service, the Abraham Baldwin Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution took a tour of the Park and assembled in the Park Pavilion for a short business meeting with Vice Regent Alice Robinson presiding.  Members were commended for voting in the election and several members for working at the poles.  Diane Brittain announced that our chapter will celebrate Christmas on Thursday, December 6th, with a trip to Southern Living Idea Home in Senoia and lunch at the Founder’s Restaurant in Senoia.  Members should make their reservation by contacting Diane Brittain - carpooling will be available. Item were collected to be sent to the troops in Afghanistan by Patriot Project Chairman Violette Denney.  Members responded generously and five large boxes were filled to capacity and will be shipped in time to arrive in Afghanistan before Christmas. 
Sheriff Terry Langley was the featured speaker and he recognized the Veterans working for the Sheriff’s Department by placing their names on the walls of Honor, if they were not already on one of the Walls.  They are included on Wall of Honor number 21.  He purchased 15 plaques and 10 of those Veterans were present for the Veteran’s Day program.
These are the 10 that were present and publicly thanked for their service to the Country as Veterans and also for their continued service in the Sheriff’s Department.  They are all to be commended for their dedication and devotion to making a difference and making this a better place!  On the extreme left is Brad Robinson and he assisted the Sheriff in getting the necessary paper work to the Park Credentials Chairman, Norris Garrett.
DAR members showed their appreciation to Sheriff Langley for honoring our Veterans and recognizing the Veterans Park Committee with his part in the program. Pictured from the left: Martha Stapler, Diane Brittain, Johnnie Baldwin, Sherryll Miles, Gwyn Chesnut, Sheriff Terry Langley, Violette Denney, Betty Morris, Joan Finch, Linda Mears, Alice Robinson, Carole Riddle, Lawana Wallis, and Betty deVane