The Carroll County Veterans Memorial Park (CCVMP) Association will meet at 6:00 PM in the Meeting Room at the Carroll County Veterans Building.on Monday March 25 2019. The EVENTS Committee will meet in the meeting Room at 5:30 pm.
I have attached the meeting agenda.(Below)
There are still a few open positions on the Officers and Chair listing for 2019. Please let me know where you would like to serve the Association.
We will receive an update from Don Levans on our Memorial Day program commemorating the formation of the American Legion and the opening of Post Number one in Paris France. This event will round out the Parks commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of World War One.
We will also review the CCVMP Float planning for the Peoples Parade on July 4th and other events surrounding the Anniversary of Post 143.
See you all on Monday March 25 2019 at 6:00 pm in the Veterans Building.
Carroll County Veterans Memorial Park
Association Meeting
Monday March 25
Welcome ----Pledge to the Flag--- Barry Gardner
Meeting called to
order - Barry
Minutes - Joe Harrod
Treasurer - Rebecca
Presidents Report - Committee assignments 2019 Many openings.
Brief Reports
from Committee Chairs ----
Credentials - Charles
Events Barry Gardner ----
Don Levans Update
of 2019 Memorial Day Event
John Bassett Float Planning
Relations - Dale Robinson -----
Web Coordinator - Don Castamore
Grounds - Ron
Organizations - Chuck Feaselman
Other Business
Good of the
Association ---------