Carroll County Veterans Memorial Park Association, Inc. P.O. Box 1062 Carrollton, GA 30112
posted by Carroll County Veterans Memorial Park, Georgia @ 8:05 AM
HOW DO YOU PUT A VETERAN'S NAME ON THE WALL? You need Honorable Discharge paper DD 214 or other supporting documents. Contact: Credentials Chairman: Bill Maddox - 770-832-6442; President: Barry Gardner - 770-838-0080; Vice President: Mike Washington - 770-871-9475; Secretary: Bruce Browning - 770-328-2737; Treasurer: Rebecca Smith - 770-546-4998; Directors: Bill Maddox - 770-546-8513, Ron Reinhold - 770-459-5178, Dale Robinson - 770854-4150, Ronnie Pate - 404-406-4721. Membership/Director -Margaret Miller. Blog Editor: Violette H. Denney - 770-832-0671 Each plaque is 16" tablet of white marble. 48 plaques are on each side of the wall, which totals 96 per wall. To place a name on the wall, a contribution of $300 or more may be made payable to the Carroll County Veterans Memorial Park Association, Inc. and mailed to P.O. Box 1062, Carrollton, GA 30112. Since the Park has been approved by the IRS Code Section 501(C)(3)as an exempt organization, all donations are tax deductible. BRICKS TO LINE THE WALKWAY are available and they will be inscribed with name/s. There are 2 lines with 14 spaces each. Each space between names is counted. Contact Bill Maddox 770-832-6442.
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