Don Levans (left) received the Commendation Certificate from George Wheeless representing the Casimir Pulaski Chapter NSSAR.
Seated from the left is Secretary Bill Maddox, President Don Levans, and Treasurer Rebecca Smith. In the background is the mobile KIA Wall which will be on the Veterans Park entry in the 4th of July Parade in downtown Carrollton.
The Carroll County Veterans Memorial Park Committee met June
23, 2014 for the regular monthly meeting.
President Don Levans opened the meeting with the Pledge of Alliance to
the USA Flag and prayer by Chaplain Will Smith.
Brief reports were given by officers and committee chairmen. George Wheeless, President of the Casimir
Pulaski Chapter, presented a Certificate of Commendation to the Veterans
Memorial Park “In Recognition of Exemplary Patriotism In the display of the
Flag of the United States of America.” He
added that they appreciated the Flag Retirement Ceremony which the Park held