The Abraham Baldwin Chapter gathered at the Bell Tower at the Carroll County Veterans Memorial Park to receive the Constitution Proclamation signed by Carrollton Mayor Wayne Garner. In the absence of the Mayor, Councilman Mike Patterson read the Proclamation, rung the Bell, and presented the document to Regent Tina Clune. September 17this Constitution Day and the 17th through the 23rd is Constitution Week. The Constitution was adopted on September 17, 1787, by the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and ratified by conventions in eleven states. This is the 225th Anniversary of the Constitution. Pictured from the left: Susan Lenaeus, Sherryll Miles, Joan Finch, Martha Stapler, Betty Morris, Donna Kemp, Marge Schulhof, Councilman Mike Patterson, Violette Denney, Regent Tina Clune, Alice Robinson, Linda Mears, Kay Brown, and Johnnie Baldwin

Constitution Week is celebrated by the members of the DAR
Chapter visiting the Veterans Memorial Park where many of our Revolutionary
Patriots are remembered with plaques on the Walls of Honor. Many of them sacrificed their lives and
fortunes to gain our American Independence.
A plaque on the Walls of Honor is an excellent way to remember an
ancestor, especially if he was buried in unmarked graves. Pictured standing from the left are Johnnie
Baldwin, Sherryll Miles, Donna Kemp, Linda Mears, Betty Morris, Susan Lenaeus,
Marge Schulhof, Martha Stapler, Alice Robinson, Mike Patterson, and Tina Clune,
(seated in front) Violette Denney, Joan Finch, and Kay Brown.