On September 10, 2010, Sammy Robinson and his work crew are shown installing Wall of Honor Number 19 in the Carroll County Veterans Memorial Park. This adds 48 more Veterans and their military records to our Memorial, making the total of 912 Veterans. Look for the Directory on our web site to see all the names on all the plaques :
http://carrollcountyveteransmemorialpark.com/Walls_Of_Honor.htmlThe first number after the name is the Wall Number followed by the Plaque Number. If you want to purchase a plaque to be included on Wall Number 20, please contact Norris Garrett at
NAG8361111@bellsouth.net or call him at 770-836-1111.
The next program scheduled at the Park is the Veterans Day Ceremony on November 6th, 2010, at 10 A.M.