Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Carrollton Junior Woman's Club contributes proceeds from November 11th, 2007, Autumn Run to the Carroll County Veterans Memorial Park

Pictured from left to right: Gail Cantrell, Norris Garrett, Violette Denney, Kelsey Johnson, Sherrie D'Hollosy, Chloe Harden, Dee Hull, Larry Jennings, and Roger Knowles.
The president of the Carrollton Junior Woman's Club, Dee Hull, presented the Veterans Memorial Park President, Roger Knowles, with a check for $6,000. The check represented the proceeds of the 5th Annual Cross Country, 5 K Autumn Run 2007, which was held on Sunday, November 11th, 2007, in front of the Carrollton Elementary School. Those present from the Woman's Club were Dee Hull, Kelsey Johnson, Chloe Harden and Gail Cantrell; and those from the Carroll County Veterans Memorial Park Committee were Roger Knowles, Norris Garrett, Larry Jennings, Sherrie D'Hollosy and Violette Denney. This was a beautiful day made even more beautiful with a donation which will be matched by the Challenge Grant from the Community Foundation of West Georgia. All these funds will be used to help build a FOUNTAIN FOR THE PARK. These are exciting times for all of us to watch each addition to the existing Walls of Honor to recognize our Veterans and Troops. We appreciate all contributions!

Monday, December 10, 2007

New Sign at the Veterans Memorial Park

The new polished black granite sign is up and should be visible from both directions on Highway 16. Watch for the name to be added . . . soon! The reflection of the late afternoon sky is very interesting. Picture furnished by Norris and Jo Garrett

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Christmas Parade entry in memory of Donald Denney.

Christmas Parade committee chairman, Larry Jennings , organized the group and registered the Veterans Park entry in memory of Donald Denney. Denney served as chairman of the parade entry in the past and the CCVMP committee wanted to honor his memory by using his picture and pattern the entry like the one he designed last year. Pictured in the top photo from left to right: Hugh Lee Young, Roger Knowles, J. P. Rowe, Bill Head, Bill Cowart and Larry Jennings. The second picture of Donald Denney was made in 2005.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Carroll County Master Gardeners honor our veterans and troops with fresh Christmas Wreaths.

Thanks to the Carroll County Master Gardeners for furnishing beautiful fresh Christmas wreaths and placing them at the Memorial Park. The MG very generously took time during their fundraising campaign to share with the Veterans Park. They are having their annual Christmas wreath and garland sale at the Ag-Ed Center. Please visit the park and enjoy this beautiful tribute to our veterans and troops, then visit the Ag-Ed Center and purchase Christmas decorations for your home. While you are at the park, check on the progress of the new granite sign which is being installed.

Veterans Memorial Park received $20,000 matching grant challenge!

Megan Traylor, Operations Director of the Community Foundation of West Georgia, is presenting the grant check to Violette Denney and Norris Garrett. The $20,000 grant will be used to help build the fountain for the park. The fountain will be next to the existing park and the walkways will be connected.
Now is the time for all patriotic citizens to make their contributions by sending tax deductible donations to the Carroll County Veterans Memorial Park, P.O. Box 1062, Carrollton, GA 30112. Thank you for your assistance and may you be blessed for honoring our veterans and troops.