Friday, December 13, 2013


Message from the new President
Donald Levans
 It is surely an honor to have been asked to serve as President of our “world class” Memorial Park!  In no way, will I attempt to fill the shoes of my friend Norris Garrett.  But, I will make every effort to build on all that he has established over the years. 
Your Nominations Committee and the election process has provided the Association with a super group of very talented officers and the Committee Chairs that will soon be added will make up a wonderful staff dedicated to our mission.  This group will be assuming specific “pieces” of the functional needs of the Park, will meet as an Executive Committee and report at regular Association meetings.
Throughout December I have been meeting with Norris in an effort to get the “lay of the land” and begin getting the office moved into the Carroll County Veterans Building.  I am excited about the Association being a part of this facility and the visibility that can be possible in that move.  Already, we have signs identifying our presence there – Along with FREE county phone and web access.
The first meeting of the Executive Committee will be on Tuesday January 7, 2014.  At that meeting every Director will assume specific tasks for which they will be fully responsible.  In addition I will appoint Committee Chairs (then later will appoint members of the Committees)
One of those appointments is Ron Knowles as Credentials Chair ---- It was necessary to move quickly on this appointment because of the “work load” of that task and the need to work closely with Norris for a period of time.  --- Early in January we will release a full listing of assignments.
 Vice President Wayne Driver and I met with Carroll County Commission Chairman Marty Smith on Thursday 12/12 with a list of questions and to inform him of the changes in the leadership of the Association.  We look forward to a very open and progressive relationship with the county and super support as we begin consideration of expansion and the possibility of new growth in the Veteran community of West Ga.
Bottom line ----- “Let’s keep on keeping on”!


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