The drawing below, by Sandra Verling, shows our plans for developing the area next to the existing park. We will add features as the funds become available. The first item and the one nearest the Walls of Honor is the fountain. As you can see we need much more to fulfill our dream of making this the prettiest place in the whole West Georgia Area because that is what out Veterans and Troops deserve. There is a place for everyone to help and we hope you will!

The existing Veterans Walls of Honor are on the left of the photo. We plan to extend the walkways and slope them down and around the fountain, when it is built. The red shaded areas are approximately where pavers will be installed. The fountain will cost about
$40,800, which is what we need to raise now. The Georgia Master Gardener Association has granted our request for funds to cover soil, plants and trees for the immediate area around the fountain. The UWG Arboretum has promised us 15 trees to be planted to celebrate Arbor Day 2008. In the future, we would like to add a covered pavilion to the right of the fountain. We need everyone to help by sending their tax deductible contributions to the Carroll County Veterans Memorial Park, P. O. Box 1062, Carrollton, GA 30112, noted for Landscaping Phase II.

This is the Veterans Memorial Park after Phase I Landscaping was completed.

This is the original drawing of what we wanted to build for our
veterans and troops to show our appreciation for their
service and our great nation.
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