Larry Jennings proudly stands with June Drew as she is recognized for her service during WW II as a WASP - Women Airforce Service Pilot. They flew planes state side so the men would be free to fulfill other necessary duties during the war.

Over 600 gathered at the park today, Saturday, May 29, 2010, and were blessed to hear two outstanding veterans speak about our great nation and their military experiences. Pictured above (l. to r.) is Wayne Waddell, John Burson, and Norris Garrett. All those who participated were absolutely wonderful and celebrated the lives of our veterans, both past and present, especially those who are honored at the park on the KIA, MIA, and POW walls.
President Norris Garrett dedicated the Women's Memorial Wall and recognized WW II WASP June Drew. She received a standing ovation and round of applause. Thanks to everyone who attended and helped to recognize the many men and women who have given both time and talent, up to and including their very lives.
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